project pages
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How you can help
It depends on who you are.
- If you are Mr. Exxon or Mr. Mobil you can donate one or two Megabucks.
It will not kill you, and it will make us happy.
- If you have everything twice and you do not intend to buy ExxonMobil,
you can do the same. By the way we usually make less harm to environment,
usually smell less and we have brighter future. And ... we also want
to have everything twice.
- If you are brewery owner, so our dear cherished friend, we will give
you address, where you can send truck or two.
- If you are programmer that used ExtGraph for real world purposes.
You should inform us about bugs, tell us about improvements and features
you miss. You can donate some code. You should write case study, why,
where and how ExtGraph has been used. It is important for others, to
let them know what they can do with it.
- If you are user of application based on Extgraph, then bugs reporting,
recommendations for future development and case studies is your business,
too. You may like to write something useful like tutorial, news, press
room message. Or you can just spread the word around. If that applies
to you, great, welcome on board.
- If you are member of ExtGraph fan club, you can help us with these
pages. You can also organize party called ExtGraph conference or meeting
with authors.
Under construction how to download cvs snapshot,
how to report a bug, how to make recommendation, how to submit new document,
how to enhance ExtGraph and how to mark new code.